A mansion built by the Hisakawa family, back when Magnolia City was nothing more than a small village known as Karushikami-cho. It was originally home to the local lord, and has been passed down for generations. That is, until, Tsutomu Hisakawa inherited the family property.
By all accounts, he was a man who had everything. Money, power, and a beautiful wife: the model Yoshie Seno. They met at the height of her career, and by all accounts were the perfect match: powerful, rich, beautiful. However, once they retired to that mansion, Yoshie was seen less and less.
And then never again.
There were whispers that Tsutomu had a hand in her disappearance. Whether it was jealousy or madness that bloomed in his heart, none will know for sure. He told the public that she had fallen ill and retired, though few truly believed that was the case.
And then Tsutomu himself disappeared as well.
They found Tsutomu, dead at the bottom of the mansion’s grand staircase.
And they found Yoshie, seated at the head of the dining room table.
Where her corpse had sat, mummified, for the last ten years.